Future World of Ecommerce

The environment becomes ever-changing with lots of innovations popped up every day. E-Commerce World provides one-stop services to every e-commerce business, from cultivating business concepts to enhancing the company profile, helps enterprises along the business journey with our expertise and knowledge.

With our experience and experts, we transform what you want to what you are, allow your business to flourish.

Leaders in Ecommerce

Ecommerce World is operated in Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, Amsterdam and Dubai. Our consulting experts from PwC, KPMG, Loreal, Universities and government. Technical guru from Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook and Unicorn startups. Our research group Ecommerce Foundation based in Amsterdam generates global ecommerce research reports from time to time.

What We Do


Ecommerce Consulting

We assist you in setting up the best policies and strategies on digital and O2O deployment, fund-raising, and IT issues including cybersecurity, data privacy and transformating organization structure.

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Project Implementation

Featuring our expert team and professional partners, we are able to carry out the best new retail/ O2O plans, build simple and fascinating webshops, websites, mobile apps, and provide the unique online trust building services.

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Brand Enhancement

Our substantial experience in event marketing, digital marketing, public relation management tailor-made and adopted by clients can always serve a good result in gaining brand exposure, sales growth, customer interaction and other goals. Moreover, professional training courses, workshops and seminars are organized time to time to our clients.

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Global Conference

We organize Industry events for CrossBorder Trade, Digital Marketing, FinTech, Big Data Cloud and IoT all over the world. Our event venue covers Beijing, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macau, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, India, Moscow, Qatar, Dubai, Barcelona and London. With Industry leaders and C-Levels audience, Ecommerce World Summit brings the most influencing events to Enterprises.

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Our Clients


SME Class 101: $0 Start Your Online Business

“Build my own online store, run a successful online business, and be my own boss!” That may be what many people have in mind but are sceptical about the viability. The truth is that the idea is totally feasible and here is the course to teach you how. In the course you will learn how to start your online business at […]

助你獲得「遙距營商計劃 D-Biz」30萬資助

遙距營商計劃 香港特區政府在「防疫抗疫基金」下推出的「遙距營商計劃」(D-Biz),為支援企業在疫情期間繼續營運和提供服務,資助企業採用資訊科技方案、開拓遙距業務、數碼轉型,令企業在疫情期間仍能繼續營運和提供服務,並協助各行業在疫情下捱過難關。 適用企業 所有本地於2020年1月1日前已開始營運的私營企業(不包括上市公司、法定機構和接受公帑資助的非政府機構)均適用。 資助類別: 網上商店 網上接單和送遞、智能自助服務系統 網上客戶服務和推廣 客戶數碼體驗升級 數碼支付/流動裝置零售管理系統 線上/雲端財務管理系統 線上/雲端人力資源管理系統 遙距文件管理、雲端儲存及遠端存取服務 網上會議工具 虛擬團隊管理和溝通 網絡安全方案 其他線上/度身訂造/雲端業務支援系統 資助金額 – 每間企業最多可申請三個項目 – 每個方案連同培訓開支的資助最多為10萬元 – 每間公司累積資助上限為30萬元 申請日期 由2020年5月18日至10月31日期間接受申請,為期六個月。 如何申請 即日起申請者可於網上申請時段內填妥及遞交網上申請表格並上載所需證明文件及報價單,大約10個工作天可通知申請結果。 機不可失 立即與我們聯絡,讓我們搶先助你獲得資助批核!

T.O.P This is Our Place (“T.O.P”) and ShopME bring the first Robotic Shop in Hong Kong for innovative retail opportunity

TOP Mall and Hong Kong-based O2O start-up ShopME today (November 26, 2019) launched the first Robotic Shop in Hong Kong, providing an IoT based, 7 X 24 unmanned physical store for new and existing retail tenants. The one-stop robotic solution also includes shopping points’ gift redemption, interactive games, and online shop capabilities to TOP mall’s […]

Upgrade Ecommerce Trust to next level by Blockchain and InsurTech

Upgrade Ecommerce Trust to next level by Blockchain and InsurTech HONG KONG, May 24, 2019 – Hong Kong Federation of E-Commerce (HKFEC) reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Dowsure Technologies Co., Ltd. (Dowsure) to integrate blockchain technology and consumer insurance to Hong Kong Trust Mark, and to build a trustworthy cross-border e-commerce environment for Hong […]

Ecommerce World Summit

A world leading Ecommerce conference brings you leaders of the industry around the region. Join us to watch the latest interview and video from previous events.

Interview with Anastasia Kovaleva

Interview with Anastasia Kovaleva

Head of China, Russia E-commerce Association

Interview with Nicholas Kontopoulos

Interview with Nicholas Kontopoulos

Regional Head of APAC and EMEA Commerce Marketing, Adobe

2019 Event Promo

2019 Event Promo

Ecommerce World Summit@ Singapore

Interview with Dr. See-Kiat Toh

Interview with Dr. See-Kiat Toh

Global Chairman, Goodwins Law Corporation and Vice Chairman, CommerceNet Singapore

Interview with Joseph Yuen

Interview with Joseph Yuen

Chairman of HKFEC/WTA

Exclusive interview with Paul Jacinto

Exclusive interview with Paul Jacinto

Senior Conference Producer – e-Commerce & Logistics Cluster SingEx - Last Mile Fullfilment Asia

Exclusive interview with Kazutoyo Kawazure

Exclusive interview with Kazutoyo Kawazure

Executive Director, Japan E-Commerce Consultant Association

Interview with Bruce Ho

Interview with Bruce Ho

International Business Director, EBS Shenzhen, China

Find Out More

Fill in the form, or contact our team at info@ecwld.com.

Hong Kong | Beijing | Singapore | Amsterdam | Dubai

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